Dear Mr. Old Man,
A CPBL is signed as follows:
We, the issuing bank, refused the documents stating the discrepancy “CPBL not indicating the name of the charterer or owner”. However, the negotiating bank rejected the discrepancy stating that the CPBL signed by Union Marine Inc for and on behalf of the master complies with UCP Article 22 as well as with ISBP para 118(b).
For your easy reference, I quote here ISBP para 118(b):
If an agent signs the charter party bill of lading on behalf of the master (captain), charterer or owner, the agent must be identified as agent of the master (captain), charterer or owner. In this event, the name of the master (captain) need not be stated, but the name of the charterer or owner must appear.
The last sentence of the above paragraph makes me understand that a CPBL must state the name of the charterer or the owner irrespective of whether or not it is signed by an agent for and on behalf of the charterer or the owner.
Please tell me whether what I understand is correct or not?
Thanks and best regards,
I’ m sorry to say that your understanding of ISBP para 118(b) is not correct. However, it’s not your fault but the fault of the ISBP Drafting Group. It is true that the last sentence of ISBP para 118(b) is not clear enough. There must have been others understanding it the same as you.
It seems that the ISBP Drafting Group is trying to overcome the ambiguity of this paragraph by rewriting it in the new ISBP 745 as follows:
c. When an agent signs a charter party bill of lading for [or on behalf of] the master (captain), owner or charterer, the agent is to be named and, in addition, to indicate that it is signing as agent for [or on behalf of] the master (captain), owner or charterer as the case may be.
i. When a charter party bill of lading is signed by an agent for [or on behalf of] the master (captain), the name of the master (captain) need not be stated.
ii. When a charter party bill of lading is signed by an agent for [or on behalf of] the owner or charterer, the name of the owner or charterer is to be stated.
The above rewritten paragraph is too clear to be misunderstood.
Back to your case. The negotiating bank’s rejection is valid.
Kind regards,
Mr. Old Man
July 16, 2013 at 3:07 pm
KM writes:Hi Old ManNeed your advice on CPBL.I received the following CPBL Name of Master: KIM KIM (indicated in the middle of BL) (indicated on the bottom of BL)ABC Shipping Co Ltd as Agent for and on Behalf of Master Capt Kim Kim(signature)With reference to the above signing, is the above CPBL acceptable?
July 17, 2013 at 4:07 pm
km writes:to add on, there was no stamp on the BL.. just the above wording and an unknown signature
July 17, 2013 at 5:07 pm
When an agent signs a CPBL for [or on behalf of] the master, the agent to be named, and in addition, to indicate that it is signing as agent for the master. The name of the master need not be stated.It is agreed that the agent would stamp his name and his capacity. However, such a stamp is not required by the UCP, hence, the CPBL signed in such a manner should be accepted.
July 22, 2013 at 10:07 am
km writes:Thank you very much for the advice… 1 more qn : Is Metric Tonnes and Tonnes the same?? Sometimes the documents will indicated MTS or Tonnes.. Tried to googgle but not able to get a firm answer.. Will you be able to enlighten me?TIA
July 22, 2013 at 11:07 pm
A tonne (t) or metric ton (M/T), also referred to as a metric tonne or tonne de metrice, is a measurement of mass equal to 1,000 kilograms.