Uncategorized TOLERANCE APPLICABLE AGAINST INDIVIDUAL QUANTITIES By Mr Old Man Posted on November 5, 2013 1 min read 4 0 10,699 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Reddit Share on Pinterest Share on Linkedin Share on Tumblr QUESTION LC stipulates: – Item A: 30 pcs– Item B: 40 pcs– Item C: 1000 pcs Total quantity: 1070 pcs Tolerance more or less 5 percentage in amount and quantity is allowed. Shipment is effected as follows: – Item A: 50 pcs– Item B: 40 pcs– Item C: 980 pcs Total quantity : 1070 pcs The issuing bank raised the discrepancy “Item A is over-shipped”. Is the discrepancy valid? —————- ANSWER Hi, I have ever answered a similar question. The discrepancy is valid. Tolerance of +/- 5% is applicable against individual quantities. So, Item A is over-shipped. By the way, would you accept the following shipment? – Item A: 0 pcs– Item B: 0 pcs– Item C: 1070 pcs The answer is NO. Please also refer to ICC Opinion R688 / TA619. Kind regards,Mr. Old Man