Home Uncategorized ON BOARD NOTATION 5


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FROM YAFFID – ISRAEL Posted 19 Feb 13

I will appreciate your opinion with regard to the following : marine b/l shows under "place of receipt" and "port of loading " the same port (Busan Korea port).

The b/l also shows the name of one vessel under the heading "pre carriage by" and the other vessel under the heading "vessel voy (flag)'.

My question is whether the on board notation should indicate the name of the vessel appears under "pre carriage" or under "vessel voy…"?

FROM MR. OLD MAN Posted 20 Feb 13


Where a BL indicates two vessels: pre-carriage and ocean vessel, the on board notation must indicate the name of the vessel that leaves the port of loading, i.e., the ocean vessel, the port of lading and the date of loading on board.

Best regards,

NOTE: The above is from DCPro Forum

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  1. anonymous

    February 21, 2013 at 1:02 pm

    Kim Anh writes:Chào Anh Em có một tình huống đang phân vân nhờ Anh giúp hộ .LC states :.43T : transhipment : not allowed44E:Port of loading: any Vietnam port44F: Port of discharge: Bar, Montenegro44C : latest date of shipment : 11051046A: document required : B/L issued to order of the shipper ….Our document shows :. Precarriage by : VESSEL ASIAN STAR. place of Receipt : HOCHIMINH VIETNAM. ocean vessel : VICTORIA v052 .port of loading : SINGAPORESHIPPED ON BOARD ON 20 FEB , 2013 AT ASIAN STAR .FREIGHT PRPAID IN HOCHIMINH CITY , VIETNAMCâu hỏi QUESTION : B/L thể hiện như vậy có phù hợp với on board notification không Anh ? .


  2. mroldmanvcb

    February 21, 2013 at 10:02 pm

    Hi,According to Document No.470/1128rev final – 22 April 2010 – Recommendations of the Banking Commission in respect of the requirements for an On board Notation, where the port of loading stated in the L/C is shown as the place of receipt (the ocean vessel and port of loading fields, in this case, are reflecting the transhipment details) with shipment by sea from that port, a dated on board notation is required evidencing the port of loading stated in the credit and the vessel that is leaving that port. In line with the above the on board notation in your described scenario is incorrect as it does not indicate the port of loading stated in L/C (i.e., HCMC port).Best regards,Mr. Old ManP/S: The answer is based on the assumption that goods are shipped in containers as evidenced in the B/L.


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