7 min read


Dear Mr Old Man,

I have an issue that needs your comment.

LC requires insurance policy/policy schedule to order of Bank I (issuing bank).

Is it acceptable if beneficary presents policy schedule as follows:

– The insured: name of beneficiary
– The interested party: to order of Bank I.

I don’t accept this document. According to me, the insured in policy schedule must be to order of bank I.

Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.

Thanks and best regards,
Phương Anh


Dear Phuong Anh,

You are correct. The insurance document must be issued to order of Bank I to comply with the L/C requirement. The adddition of “The interested party: To order of Bank I” does not changed the fact that the assured party is stated to be the beneficiary.

My opinion is based on ICC Opinion TA688rev (see attachment).

Best regards,
Mr. Old Man


Whether insurance documents should or should not indicate or be required to indicate the assured as "To Order" or "To Bearer".

Official Opinion TA688rev – Unpublished UCP 600
From UCP600 – ISBP 681 paragraph 179
We have recently come up with cases related to insurance documents where some banks required endorsements but the others did not. We would therefore appreciate an ICC official opinion.
Case 1 where the L/C required insurance document blank endorsed
The presented insurance policy without endorsement showed:
Assured: To bearer
Our opinion: This is acceptable according to ISBP Paragraph 179.
Case 2 where the L/C required insurance document blank endorsed
The presented insurance policy without endorsement showed:
Assured: ABC Exporting Co Ltd
To bearer
Our opinion: This is acceptable according to ISBP Paragraph 179.
Case 3 where the L/C required insurance document blank endorsed
The presented insurance policy without endorsement showed:
Assured: To order
Our opinion: This is acceptable because "to order" is, in effect, the same as "to bearer".
Case 4 where the L/C required insurance document blank endorsed
The presented insurance policy without endorsement showed:
Assured: ABC Exporting Co Ltd
To order
Our opinion: This is acceptable because "to order" is, in effect, the same as "to bearer".
Case 5 where the L/C required insurance document to be issued to order of XYZ Bank Ltd
The presented insurance policy without endorsement showed:
Assured: To order of XYZ Bank Ltd
Our opinion: This is acceptable because the insurance policy was issued as required by the L/C.
Case 6 where the L/C required the insurance document to be issued to order of XYZ Bank Ltd
The presented insurance policy without endorsement showed:
Assured: ABC Exporting Co Ltd
To order of XYZ Bank Ltd
Our opinion: This is also acceptable because the insurance policy was issued as required by the L/C.
Please confirm whether our opinions are correct or incorrect.
Analysis and conclusion
Case 1: We agree with your opinion.
Case 2: We disagree with your opinion. The insurance document requires endorsement by ABC Exporting Co. Ltd, which would remove the contradiction between ABC Exporting Co. Ltd and "To Bearer". The addition of "[T]o bearer" does not change the fact that the assured is stated to be ABC Exporting Co. Ltd.
Case 3: In the context of an insurance document, we agree with your opinion.
Case 4: We disagree with your opinion. The insurance document requires endorsement by ABC Exporting Co. Ltd. The addition of "[T]o order" does not change the fact that the assured is stated to be ABC Exporting Co. Ltd.
Case 5: We agree with your opinion.
Case 6: We disagree with your opinion. The insurance document requires endorsement by ABC Exporting Co. Ltd. The addition of "[T]o order of XYZ Bank Ltd" does not change the fact that the assured is stated to be ABC Exporting Co. Ltd.
To avoid some of the issues identified in this query, insurance documents should not indicate or be required to indicate the assured as "To Order" or "To Bearer".

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  1. anonymous

    June 20, 2012 at 9:06 am

    Anonymous writes:Hi Mr. Old Man,Cho em hỏi nếu LC quy định: "FULL SET OF INSURANCE CERTIFICATE COVERING INSTITUTE CARGO CLAUSE A FOR 110PCT OF THE INVOICE VALUE UNDER GOODS INSURANCE PROVISIONS OF LLOYD'S INSTITUTE".Khi xuất trình chứng từ bảo hiểm thì trong chứng từ bảo hiểm chỉ cần thể hiện theo điều kện A,110%gia trị invoice là hợp lệ rồi hay phải trích dẫn cả theo điều kiện bảo hiểm của Lloyd mới là đầy đủ ạ?.Cảm ơn anh nhiều,Loan NT


  2. mroldmanvcb

    June 21, 2012 at 11:06 pm

    Theo Mr. Old Man, bảo hiểm thể hiện điều kiện A là OK.


  3. mroldmanvcb

    June 21, 2012 at 11:06 pm

    Theo Mr. Old Man, bảo hiểm thể hiện điều kiện A là OK.


  4. Alex Soon

    February 20, 2016 at 9:06 pm

    Hi Mr Old Man:

    I read that the DLC can request for insurance documents to be blank endorsed which can be satisfied by stating the assured/insured party on insurance policy/certificate to read as “TO ORDER” or “TO BEARER” thou not a good practice as reflected in your above post.

    However, i also read that the insurance documents cannot be issued “TO ORDER AND BLANK ENDORSED”.

    If insurance document can be blank endorsed, then why LC cannot call for insurance documents to be issued “TO ORDER AND BLANK ENDORSED”?

    I regard “TO ORDER AND BLANK ENDORSED” to mean the assured/insured party endorse on the reverse side of the insurance document accompanied by the words “TO ORDER”.

    Thanks in advance for your kind and valuable guidance.


    • mroldman

      February 21, 2016 at 6:24 pm

      Hi Alex,

      Now I do not have time to answer your question. But I quote here ICC opinion with regard to some cases similar to yours. Try to read and find out your own conclusion for your case:
      Requirement for an insurance document to be endorsed and use of “To Order” and “Bearer” in relation to the assured party
      Official Opinion R778 / TA688rev – 2009-2011
      From UCP600 – ISBP 681 paragraph 179
      We have recently come up with cases related to insurance documents where some banks required endorsements but the others did not. We would therefore appreciate an ICC official opinion.

      Case 1 where the L/C required insurance document blank endorsed

      The presented insurance policy without endorsement showed:

      Assured: To bearer

      Our opinion: This is acceptable according to ISBP Paragraph 179.

      Case 2 where the L/C required insurance document blank endorsed

      The presented insurance policy without endorsement showed:

      Assured: ABC Exporting Co Ltd

      To bearer

      Our opinion: This is acceptable according to ISBP Paragraph 179.

      Case 3 where the L/C required insurance document blank endorsed

      The presented insurance policy without endorsement showed:

      Assured: To order

      Our opinion: This is acceptable because “to order” is, in effect, the same as “to bearer”.

      Case 4 where the L/C required insurance document blank endorsed

      The presented insurance policy without endorsement showed:

      Assured: ABC Exporting Co Ltd

      To order

      Our opinion: This is acceptable because “to order” is, in effect, the same as “to bearer”.

      Case 5 where the L/C required insurance document to be issued to order of XYZ Bank Ltd

      The presented insurance policy without endorsement showed:

      Assured: To order of XYZ Bank Ltd

      Our opinion: This is acceptable because the insurance policy was issued as required by the L/C.

      Case 6 where the L/C required the insurance document to be issued to order of XYZ Bank Ltd

      The presented insurance policy without endorsement showed:

      Assured: ABC Exporting Co Ltd

      To order of XYZ Bank Ltd

      Our opinion: This is also acceptable because the insurance policy was issued as required by the L/C.

      Please confirm whether our opinions are correct or incorrect.

      Analysis and conclusion Case 1: We agree with your opinion.Case 2: We disagree with your opinion. The insurance document requires endorsement by ABC Exporting Co. Ltd, which would remove the contradiction between ABC Exporting Co. Ltd and “To Bearer”. The addition of “[T]o bearer” does not change the fact that the assured is stated to be ABC Exporting Co. Ltd. Case 3: In the context of an insurance document, we agree with your opinion. Case 4: We disagree with your opinion. The insurance document requires endorsement by ABC Exporting Co. Ltd. The addition of “[T]o order” does not change the fact that the assured is stated to be ABC Exporting Co. Ltd. Case 5: We agree with your opinion.Case 6: We disagree with your opinion. The insurance document requires endorsement by ABC Exporting Co. Ltd. The addition of “[T]o order of XYZ Bank Ltd” does not change the fact that the assured is stated to be ABC Exporting Co. Ltd. To avoid some of the issues identified in this query, insurance documents should not indicate or be required to indicate the assured as “To Order” or “To Bearer”.


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