4 min read

(Source: quoted from DCPro Discussion Forum 9 July, 2015)


Biking to God’s Well (Da Nang): Crying on the Bike


Documents presented by a beneficiary to its bank under a L/C subject to UCP 600.

Documents contain some discrepancies including l/c expiry. Beneficiary requests it’s bank to send the documents without examination on approval basis.

Should the beneficiary’s bank send the documents to the issuing bank subject to URC 522 or UCP 600?

Your thoughts, please.





I have ever answered a similar question as follows:

In practice documents presented to the negotiating under L/C and found to be discrepant are normally sent to the issuing bank for payment:

(i) on approval basis with reference to L/C, e.g., the documents are sent to you under L/C no…. on approval basis; or

(ii) under L/C without indicating any discrepancies.

In either of the above cases, the issuing bank is obligated to pay at sight for sight L/C or accept the time draft or incur a deferred payment undertaking and pay at maturity for usance L/C once it has delivered the documents to the applicant.

The issuing bank’s payment obligation under the L/C is released if the covering schedule sent by the remitting bank states clearly that the documents are sent under URC 522, and the B/E (if any) is drawn on the buyer. In this scenario the issuing bank acts as a presenting/collecting bank. It will deliver the documents to the buyer in accordance with the remitting bank’s instruction, i.e., against payment (D/P) or against acceptance (D/A). Where the collection instruction has authorized the delivery of documents upon acceptance, the collecting bank delivers the documents to the buyer/drawee once acceptance has been made and advises the remitting bank of such an acceptance and the maturity date. However, please note that under D/A collection the issuing bank is not obligated to pay in the event the B/E, which has been accepted by the buyer, is not paid at maturity.

Notwithstanding that the LC expired, it is advisable for the presenter to send the documents to the issuing bank subject to UCP 600.

Best regards,


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  1. Rm

    October 4, 2016 at 3:41 am

    Hi Mr Old Man,
    could you please help me with such case..We made a shipment on LC. One of our presentation has been discrepant. We corrected docs but in this way we had a late presentation so again the presentation has been discrepant. Our customer accepted this discrepency ( typing mistake in BL numer in one of docs) so issuing bank infomed the confirming bank that payment will be done at the maturity date. LC expires in the middle of December, so there is an idea to make now the amendments and extend presentation date getting first customer’s acceptance so in this way we will not loose the confirmation as the value is quite big…Is that possible? RM


    • mroldman

      October 4, 2016 at 9:49 am


      You may know that an L/C cannot be amended without the agreement of the issuing bank, the confirming bank (if any) and the beneficiary. I am afraid that the confirming bank in your case may not agree to the amendment to extend the presentation period as the presentation has been made late and its payment obligation under the L/C ceases.

      The fact that the issuing bank confirms its acceptance of the discrepant presentation and undertakes to pay at maturity is good enough for the beneficiary. There’s no need for any amendment.

      Kind regards,
      Mr. Old Man


      • MK

        October 4, 2016 at 2:43 pm

        Hi Mr Old Man,
        I would like to refer to the above matter. As you know we lost the confirmation from Confirming Bank due to the discrepency, my question is what would happen if the Issuing Bank has no foreign currencies on the due date? How can we secure ourselves to get the money?

        Can we contact you by any official way?


        • mroldman

          October 4, 2016 at 4:28 pm


          The reason why the beneficiary insists on confirmed L/C is to avoid the issuing bank’s risk of non payment and the issuing bank’s country risk.

          If you can tell me the name of the issuing bank that has undertaken to pay at maturity and the country where the issuing bank is located I’ll tell you whether you should feel comfortable with its payment undertaking.

          As the issuing bank has undertaken to reimburse the confirming bank at maturity, you may have such payment undertaking discounted by the confirming bank to get the money before due.

          Kind regards,
          Mr. Old Man

          P/s: I can be contacted at [email protected]


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