4 min read


Dear Mr. Old Man,

Hope you and the family are just fine. Any growing tension to your country due to Korean conflicts?

I've got a question (I have been trying to find the answer thru some sources but the explanation are not yet clear compared to the way you explained my previous questions).

Which is more profitable for trader, transferable L/C or back to back L/C? And why?

Thanks a lot for your willingness to have responded me in the midst of your valuable time.

Bandung Indonesia


Dear P.

Thanks P. Those who produce and sell weapons would love wars as they can make profit from the wars. Like other peoples in the world we love peace and hope that the conflict between North Korea and the rest of the world will not lead to a nuclear war. We do not feel any tension.

Regarding your questions, I would answer as follows:

I don’t want to use the phrase “more profitable”. What I want to say is that the middle man (trader) would prefer a transferrable L/C to a back to back L/C arrangement. The reasons are as follows:

The transferrable L/C and the transferred L/C are in fact one L/C. The transferring bank is willing to transfer the L/C as under the transferred L/C it would undertake to pay the second beneficiary only after its receipt of the proceeds from the issuing bank. The middle man is not required to have a credit line with the transferring bank nor cash deposit to secure the payment.

A back to back L/C arrangement involves two L/Cs, a master L/C and a back to back L/C. The latter is independent of the former. The bank that issues a back to back L/C is exposed to risks as it must honour if the documents presented are complying irrespective of whether or not it receives the payment from the bank that issues the master L/C.

It is because of this that banks would rarely agree to issue the back to back L/C unless the middle man is a good customer and has a credit line with the issuing bank.

Best regards,
Mr. Old Man

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  1. anonymous

    November 10, 2013 at 11:11 pm

    maymay writes:hi, can i know what is the disadvantages of back to back letter of credit? thank you very much.


  2. mroldmanvcb

    November 10, 2013 at 11:11 pm

    One of the disadvantages of B2B LC are described in the last two paragraphs of my above answer:A back to back L/C arrangement involves two L/Cs, a master L/C and a back to back L/C. The latter is independent of the former. The bank that issues a back to back L/C is exposed to risks as it must honour if the documents presented are complying irrespective of whether or not it receives the payment from the bank that issues the master L/C. It is because of this that banks would rarely agree to issue the back to back L/C unless the middle man is a good customer and has a credit line with the issuing bank.


  3. nguyentanluan2810

    November 11, 2013 at 12:11 pm

    Chào anh Old Man,Trước tiên, em cám ơn blog của anh vì cho em được mở rộng kiến thức, tìm hiểu sâu về Thanh toán quốc tế. Nhân đây, em đang có 1 trở ngại về L/C xin nhờ anh tư vấn giúp em:Hàng nông sản hạt điều xuất khẩu đi Mỹ1) Trường hợp trên L/C không quy định thể hiện trên Vận Đơn số Shipper's FDA number nhưng khách hàng chỉ thị riêng bắt buộc thể hiện như vậy có bị bất hợp lệ không ?2) "Commercial Invoice in triplicate which must indicate Shipper's federal identification number, HTS 081.32.000" Nhưng hiện tại công ty em (nhà XK) không có số FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER như vậy có cách nào thể hiện Invoice để hợp lệ không ? (B/L mục consignee là to order of issuing bank; notify là applicant )Anh vui lòng tư vấn giúp em vớiThanks and Best Regards,Luan


  4. mroldmanvcb

    November 12, 2013 at 10:11 am

    1) Đó được xem như thông tin thêm, không làm cho BL bất hợp lệ.2) Bạn chỉ cần thể hiện trên invoice đúng như LC yêu cầu, tức là, "Shipper's federal identification number, HTS 081.32.000"


  5. nguyentanluan2810

    November 12, 2013 at 10:11 am

    Em cám ơn tư vấn của anh nhiều nhé.Chúc anh 1 ngày tốt lành !


  6. anonymous

    November 25, 2013 at 4:11 am

    Nelson writes:Chào anh Old Man, lần đầu làm transferable LC, em muốn hỏi là: tất cả paperwork thì em là buyer, vậy thì khi đến Việt Nam. Nhà bank có vấn đề gì không khi thanh toán LC ? Vì tên trên hợp đồng có thể khác với LC. Cám ơn anh


  7. mroldmanvcb

    November 26, 2013 at 3:11 pm

    Ngân hàng chỉ biết chứng từ có phù hợp với LC hay không chứ không quan tâm đến hợp đồng. LC tách biệt với quan hệ hợp đồng.


  8. John

    August 13, 2017 at 1:28 am

    Under a transferable L/C, who is the “shipper” on the shipping document? The first beneficiary or the second? Doesn’t that give away the first beneficiary’s supplier’s name


    • mroldman

      August 13, 2017 at 3:38 pm

      Any shipper is acceptable. Banks don’t care.


    • Jon

      August 13, 2017 at 10:28 pm

      Thank you.


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