Uncategorized DOCUMENTS ARE TO BE PRESENTED WITHIN XX DAYS FROM/AFTER SHIPMENT DATE By Mr Old Man Posted on November 29, 2013 4 min read 14 1 13,617 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Reddit Share on Pinterest Share on Linkedin Share on Tumblr QUESTION Dear Mr Old Man, I have a case with details as following: LC required: Documents are to be presented within 10 days after shipment date Shipment date was 29 Nov 2013 So, I determined the presentation period was from 30 Nov to 9 Dec 2013 (including 9 Dec). However, my colleague argued that it should state FROM 29 Nov. What is your opinion? I'm looking forward to your answer. Thanks and best regards! LLG——————————————— ANSWER Hi, If documents are required to be presented within 10 days from/after shipment date and the shipment date is 29 November, 2013, the documents can be presented to the issuing bank/nominated bank on any banking day from 30 November, 2013 to 9 December, 2013 inclusive. Please refer to ISBP 745 paragraph A15, which says: The words the "from" and "after" when used to determine a maturity date or period for presentation following the date of shipment, the date of an event or the date of a document, EXCLUDE THAT DATE in the calculation of the period. Kind regards,Mr. Old Man————- FURTHER QUESTION 1) You mean the complying presentation is just from 30/11/2013 to 9/12/2013, and the presentation made on shipment date 29/11/2013 is not complying. Is my understanding correct? 2) What if Field 48 states "21 days after/from shipment date" instead of " WITHIN 21 days after/from shipment date"?———–ANSWER 1) Yes. It’s not complying. It’s early presentation. Please follow this link to see how to deal with this issue,: http://my.opera.com/mroldmanvcb/blog/2012/08/27/early-presentation 2) Regarding the case where Field 48 states "21 days after/from shipment date" instead of " WITHIN 21 days after/from shipment date", I see there are two different views: Some have the view that it is the same as “within 21 days after/from shipment date" as it is stated under the field “period for presentation” which means a period of time and not a certain date, whereas some others have the view that when so stating in the LC, the issuing bank expects the documents to be presented after 21 days from shipment date, during this period the vessel will arrive at the port of discharge. My view:It is advisable for the beneficiary to insist on amendment if he intends to present the documents on any banking day within 21 days after shipment date instead of after 21 days from shipment day.