Uncategorized HOW TO FILL IN A BILL OF EXCHANGE By Mr Old Man Posted on March 4, 2013 2 min read 1 0 3,667 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Reddit Share on Pinterest Share on Linkedin Share on Tumblr QUESTION DEAR MR. OLD MAN I’VE KNOWN YOU FOR MANY YEARS BUT UNTIL NOW I CONTACT YOU FOR YOUR HELP RELATING TO FILLING THE BILL OF EXCHANGE (B/E). THE DETAILS OF L/C AS FOLLOWS: • SENDER BANK OF THE L/C: HSBC HEAD OFFICE• ALL SHIPPING DOCUMENTS INCLUDED BILL OF EXCHANGE MUST BE SENT TO HSBC THAILAND BRANCH..B/E PRESENTED WITH DETAILS: • DRAWN UNDER : HSBC HEAD OFFICE• TO: HSBC THAILAND BRANCH.ACCORDING TO YOU, THE DRAWN UNDER MENTIONED ABV. (HSBC HEAD OFFICE) IS CORRECT OR MUST BE CHANGED TO HSBC THAILAND BRANCH ?.PLS EXPLAIN THE REASON WHY ?.THANKS N BEST REGARDS,B.—————————————ANSWER Hi, On Bill of Exchange, field “DRAWN UNDER” is normally filled in with the name of the issuing bank and LC number, e.g., HSBC Head Office L/C No. 12345. Field “TO” is always completed with the name of the drawee indicated in field 42a of the LC. So, if the L/C is issued by HSBC Head Office and field 42a of the L/C indicates HSBC Thailand Branch as drawee, then the presented Bill of Exchange showing “DRAWN UNDER: HSBC Head Office” and “TO: HSBC Thailand Branch” is complying. Please check the L/C terms and conditions. Best regards,Mr. Old Man