Uncategorized ADDITIONAL DISCREPANCIES By Mr Old Man Posted on February 17, 2015 3 min read 6 0 3,154 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Reddit Share on Pinterest Share on Linkedin Share on Tumblr Da Nang Beach, Vietnam QUESTION Dear Mr. Old Man, Thanks a lot for valuable views and comment. I asked you about correction and representation of documents, but now I have faced with a new situation that requires your opinion. The situation is as follows: We, the issuing bank, checked the documents and found a discrepancy on the invoice. We gave a notice of refusal stating the discrepancy on the invoice. The presenter sent us a corrected invoice to replace the discrepant invoice. We considered this as a new presentation and checked all documents once more and we found a discrepancy on the packing list that we failed to state in our first notice of refusal. We want to know whether we can issue another notice of refusal with respect to the discrepancy on the packing list that we failed to point out in our first notice of refusal? Is there any ICC opinions to support our action? Regards, Ahmed (Egypt) ———— ANSWER Hi, You can raise discrepancies (if any) on the re-presented documents only. You cannot raise additional discrepancies on the first presentation that you missed to point out in your first notice of refusal, i.e., you cannot issue another notice of refusal with respect to the discrepancy on the packing list. At your request and for your reference, please find quotation of ICC Opinion TA764rev: QUOTE The additional discrepancy is not to be considered, as banks only have one opportunity to raise discrepancies for each presentation. In this case, since the additional discrepancy pertained to documents presented in the first presentation, it should have been identified at the time the first presentation was made and as part of the initial refusal notice. UNQUOTE Kind regards, Mr. Old Man