Home Mr Old Man Articles eURC VERSION 1.0 ARTICLE e6


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Chúng ta tiếp tục eURC Version 1.0 với Điều e6 quy định về định dạng (format) của chứng từ điện tử. Các bạn lưu ý rằng định dạng (format) khác với biểu mẫu (form) dùng cho ccacs chứng từ bằng giấy nhé.
Định dạng được hiểu là phương thức trong đó hệ thống xử lý dữ liệu tổ chức và đọc dữ liệu, Định dạng của chứng từ điện tử phải được ngân hàng chuyển chứng từ và ngân hàng thu hộ/xuất trình chứng từ thỏa thuận trước.

Điều e6 quy định ngắn gọn như sau:

a. Một chỉ thị nhờ thu tuân thủ eURC phải thể hiện định dạng của từng chứng từ điện tử.

b.i. Định dạng của từng chứng từ điện tử phải được ngân hàng chuyển chứng từ và ngân hàng thu hộ/xuất trình chứng từ thỏa thuận trước theo yêu cầu của Điều e1(b).

b.2. Chứng từ điện tử nhận được theo một định dạng chưa được thỏa thuận trước đó có thể được xem như chưa nhận được, và ngân hàng thu hộ hoặc ngân hàng xuất trình chứng từ phải thông báo cho ngân hàng chuyển chứng từ biết điều đó.

Các bạn đọc thêm nguyên văn Điều e6 và phần COMMENTARY để hiểu thêm nhé.

Thân ái.

Mr. Old Man



a. An eURC collection instruction must indicate the format of each electronic record.

b. i. The format of each electronic record must be as previously arranged between the remitting bank and the collecting or presenting bank, as required by sub-article e1 (b).

ii. An electronic record received in a format that has not previously been agreed may be treated as not received, and the collecting or presenting bank must inform the remitting bank accordingly.

Format means the method by which a data processing system organises and reads data. eURC sub-article e4 (b) (v) (Definitions) defines the term ‘format’ as ‘the data organisation in which the electronic record is expressed or to which it refers’. eURC article e6 requires that the format of an electronic record be specified in eURC collection instruction and states the consequences if not so indicated. In view of the fact that data processing systems are unable to recognise each and every format into which data may be organised, it is important that any data be in a format that is readable by the relevant data processing system. As a result, it is essential that any related eURC collection instruction (or relevant amendment) indicate the required format.

The format of each electronic record must be as previously arranged between the remitting bank and the collecting or presenting bank, as required by sub-article e1 (b) (i) which refers to the existence of a required prior arrangement which should include the format in which each electronic record will be issued and presented.

The eURC is technology neutral and does not specify the use of any particular format. The format is to be stated in the eURC collection instruction in a manner that is readable by the data processing system to be used.

Format should not be confused with the form in which a paper document is laid out or printed or data is visually organised on a screen or printout. Format means the method by which the data processing system organises and reads the data.

With the ever-evolving change in technological development, many systems of organisation are regularly issued in successive versions. It is typical that the later versions are able to read earlier ones but that earlier ones are not able to read later ones. It is quite conceivable that an eURC collection instruction may indicate diverse formats for several documents. If the eURC collection instruction does not specify a format for a particular document, then such document may be presented in any format.

As mentioned above, it is essential that any related eURC collection instruction (or relevant amendment) indicate the required format. If not the, under eURC sub-article e6 (b) (ii), an electronic record received in a format that has not previously been agreed may be treated as not received. In addition to providing a sanction for failure to specify a format, the eURC implies that a bank must bear the risk of failure to read an electronic record presented in a required or permitted format.

In the event that an electronic record is received in a format that has not previously been agreed, the collecting or presenting bank must inform the remitting bank accordingly.

The eURC does not address the question of whether or not a transmission by telefax constitutes an electronic record. The question is too fact-specific to admit to a general answer. The technology originally behind telefaxes is not, strictly speaking, electronic communication of data but a system of imaging it. As a result, it would not be regarded as an electronic record.

More significantly, it would not be data that was originally formatted as an electronic record but that originated in a paper document that was imaged and transmitted, with the result that there existed a paper ‘original’ which may be accorded a certain priority.

However, technological developments have somewhat changed the scenario, and it is now possible to create an electronic record on a computer and to transmit it by telefax to another computer or to a telefax machine which prints on receipt. As a result, absent the characteristics of a given system, it is impossible to determine whether or not a telefax is an electronic record. Any confusion in an eURC collection instruction, however, would be avoided by specifying the format in which the electronic record must be presented. Such a specification would make it clear whether transmission by telefax was contemplated or feasible.

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