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goods description differs in invoice, bill of lading etc.

Goods description in a documentary credit is 29.000 m2 plus/minus 10 PCT. In availment Invoice for 28.500 m2 is presented, together with bill of lading and EUR certificate in which is indicated 29.000 m2 plus/minus 10 PCT, reporting in full the doc. credit goods description. Are documents discrepant ?
Moreover, liabilities for the carrier towards the holder of bill of lading?

thanks and ciao


Discrepant if…


ISBP states that the quantity of merchandise, weights and measurements shown on the invoice must not conflict with the same quantities appearing on the other documents and that a goods description in the bill of lading may be shown in general terms not conflicting with that stated in the LC and that in other documents, e.g., invoice.

The invoice shows 28,500 m2 whereas the goods description in the b/l shows 29,000 m2 plus/minus 10 PCT which conflicts with that shown on the invoice.

The information supplied does not let us know if the quantity of goods actually shipped is stated somewhere in the b/l.

In view of the above, I think the b/l is discrepant if the quantity of goods actually shipped, which complies with that in the invoice, is not stated in the b/l.

Best regards,
Nguyen Huu Duc …

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  1. anonymous

    April 19, 2010 at 3:04 pm

    thy Ngo writes:Hi anh Duc,Tuong tu nhu truong hop tren. Em co truong hop nay nho anh tu van:+ L/C quy dinh 03 mat hang a,b,c . Partial shipment: allowedChung tu xuat trinh :+ INV: the hien 03 mat hang nhu L/C dong thoi the hien hang hoa thuc giao la 02 mat hang a,b voi khoi luong 2 mat hang 25000kgs.+ B/L: the hien 03 mat hang a,b,c voi khoi luong 25.000kgs. Theo anh B/L co BHL khong?Cam on anh nhieu.


  2. anonymous

    April 19, 2010 at 3:04 pm

    Thy Ngo writes:Hi Anh Duc,Cho em hoi mot cau tuong tu nhu case tren:+ L/C quy dinh 3 mat hang a,b,c giao hang tung phan duoc phep+ Chung tu xuat trinh a/f: 1. Invoice: the hien du 3 mat hang nhu L/C dong thoi the hien hang hoa thuc giao (actual shipped) la a,b voi NW cho 02 mat hang: 25000 ton.2. B/L the hien mo ta hang hoa 3 mat hang a,b,c va NW 25000.Theo anh B/L the hien nhu vay co BHL khong?Vi theo em nghi B/L phai the hien hang hoa thuc giao moi dung phai khong anh?.Hy vong nhan duoc hoi am som tu anh!!!!Cam on anh nhieu!!!!!


  3. anonymous

    April 19, 2010 at 3:04 pm

    Anonymous writes:Hi anh Duc,Tuong tu nhu truong hop tren. Em co truong hop nay nho anh tu van:+ L/C quy dinh 03 mat hang a,b,c . Partial shipment: allowedChung tu xuat trinh :+ INV: the hien 03 mat hang nhu L/C dong thoi the hien hang hoa thuc giao la 02 mat hang a,b voi khoi luong 2 mat hang 25000kgs.+ B/L: the hien 03 mat hang a,b,c voi khoi luong 25.000kgs. Theo anh B/L co BHL khong?Cam on anh nhieu.


  4. anonymous

    April 19, 2010 at 4:04 pm

    AK writes:Hi anh Duc,Tuong tu nhu truong hop tren. Em co truong hop nay nho anh tu van:+ L/C quy dinh 03 mat hang a,b,c . Partial shipment: allowedChung tu xuat trinh :+ INV: the hien 03 mat hang nhu L/C dong thoi the hien hang hoa thuc giao la 02 mat hang a,b voi khoi luong 2 mat hang 25000kgs.+ B/L: the hien 03 mat hang a,b,c voi khoi luong 25.000kgs. Theo anh B/L co BHL khong?Cam on anh nhieu.


  5. anonymous

    January 16, 2012 at 4:01 pm

    Minh writes:Em chao anh,Em co mot cau hoi nhu sau, mong duoc anh giai dapTruong 44E L/C quy dinh: any Chinese PortTruong 45A: Trade Terms FOB any Chinese PortB/L neu Port of Loading: Shanghai Port, ChinaInvoice neu Trade Term van la FOB any Chinese PortNhu vay co duoc chap nhan khong? Co bat buoc Invoice phai neu ro la FOB Shanghai Port khong a?Em cam on anh!


  6. mroldmanvcb

    January 17, 2012 at 6:01 am

    Có nhiều quan điểm khác nhau về vấn đề này nhưng ICC kết luận có thể chấp nhận invoice mô tả như thế.Xem phân tích và kết luận của ICC về một câu hỏi tương tự nhé:ANALYSIS/CONCLUSION AnalysisWhen commercial parties mutually agree on trade terms by stipulating them in a credit, they are bound by these terms as a material part of the contract. This position is taken irrespective of whether the trade term is stipulated in the credit as part of the description of the goods or not. In the specific case, the commercial invoice indicates the term "FOB Japan", whereas the credit calls for the term "FOB Shimonoseki".Minority opinion"FOB Japan" means inter alia that the price quoted is for delivery of the goods at the port of loading within Japan. Reference may be made to Incoterms 1990 wherein the definition of FOB means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver when the goods have passed over the ship's rail at the named port of shipment. "FOB Japan" is not a named port of shipment. The credit specifically indicates that the price of the goods covered were to be quoted as free on board Shimonoseki, a particular place defined.Majority opinionThere is an evidence from the bill of lading required in the credit and presented, that "Shimonoseki" is a port in Japan, as it says "Port of Loading: Shimonoseki, Japan", and that the invoice in question also names "Shimonoseki, Japan" as the place where the goods have been shipped from.ConclusionWhile not a unanimous decision, the majority of the Group of Experts said that, in this particular case, the trade term "FOB Japan" indicated in the invoice should not be considered a discrepancy and the documents presented should not be rejected.R236 – UCP500 Sub-Article 37(c)


  7. anonymous

    January 17, 2012 at 4:01 pm

    Anonymous writes:Chào anh Mr. Old Man !Hiện nay em đang là sinh viên chuyên ngành ngoại thương, em có ý định sẽ đi theo chuyên ngành thanh toán quốc tế và tài trợ thương mại. Anh Mr. Old Man có thể chỉ cho em biết một số trang web hoặc sách để em có thể tìm hiểu kỹ thêm về môn thanh toán quốc tế bằng L/C được không ạ? Em có tìm hiểu trên internet nhưng có quá nhiều sách, em không biết rõ là sách nào là chính xác để mình có thể học theo. Mong Mr. Old Man giúp em. Em cám ơn.


  8. mroldmanvcb

    January 18, 2012 at 11:01 pm

    Mr. Old Man không đọc sách mà chỉ tham khảo trên internet là chủ yếu. Bạn thử vào đây: http://www.dcprofessional.com để tìm hiểu nhé, có nhiều thứ để xem. Đây là website trả tiền nhưng bạn có thể dùng thử miễn phí 2 tuần.


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