A DC requires that the BL shows the description of the goods “as described above”.
Above, there is field 45A. Must the BL state the whole content (goods, contract no, unit price, …) of 45A?
It is recognized that transport articles in UCP 600 say nothing about description of goods and that ISBP just says a goods description on the BL may be shown in general terms not in conflict with the goods description in the LC.
From the requirement in your case, it is difficult to say if the description of goods on the BL may be shown in general terms or must be shown as what is stated in field 45A of the L/C. There must be different views.
As a description of goods on BL is rarely required, the applicant must have his own reasons to insist on this requirement. I think it looks quite strange but to avoid any dispute in this case the description of goods on the B/L should be shown as what is stated in field 45A of the LC.
Best regards,
Mr. Old Man