Mr Old Man Q&A WHETHER AN INVOICE MUST INCLUDE DETAILS REQUIRED TO BE SHOWN ON THE CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN By Mr Old Man Posted on January 9, 2018 2 min read 3 0 4,136 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Reddit Share on Pinterest Share on Linkedin Share on Tumblr QUESTION Good Day Mr. Old Man, First, congratulations for the new website! It is very nice and we are happy for that. I have one question regarding commercial invoice and certificate of origin. I understand that to obtain a certificate of origin certified by Chamber of Commerce, the beneficiary must provide Chamber of Commerce with a commercial invoice indicating where the goods are manufactured. My situation is as follows: L/C requires presentation of a certificate of origin to state the name and address of the manufacturer and the country of origin of the goods, but it does not require the commercial invoice to state the same. The certificate of origin presented shows the name and address of the manufacturer, but the invoice does not. Can I raise the discrepancy “Invoice not indicating the name and address of the manufacturer as in the certificate of origin” based on sub-article 14 (d) UCP 600? Thank you in advance for your comment. N. ——- ANSWER Hi, The description of the goods, services or performance shown on the invoice is to correspond with the description shown in the LC. There is no need for the invoice to include details required to be shown on other documents including certificate of origin. In you case, the L/C requires the certificate of origin (not invoice) to state the name and address of the manufacturer, hence, the fact that the invoice does not state the name and address of the manufacturer does not make it discrepant. I don’t think sub-article 14 (d) UCP 600 is applicable to the case in question. Kind regards, Mr. Old Man