3 min read

Posted 08 Nov 10

Greetings All!

Kindly clarify if Forwarder's Cargo REceipt need to be signed. It is not a transport document covered by articles 19-25 of UCP 600. It is a document acknowledging receipt of goods & not a "certificate" where signature is mandatory. So in my humble opinion signature is not mandatory in FCR.
Appreciate if you could provide your inputs on this.

Thanks/REgards, Karthik

JSMITH – United Kingdom
Posted 09 Nov 10

Sorry I disagree. It is described -in the credit- as a 'certificate' and therefore must be signed. See para 8 of ISBP681. Furthermore, it is certifying something, namely that the forwarder has received the goods.

Duc N.H – Viet Nam
Posted 09 Nov 10

IMHO, Forwarder’s Cargo Receipt is a document issued by a forwarder acknowledging/certifying that the cargo has been received into the custody for shipment to a named consignee. It should be treated as a certificate of receipt of cargo, and hence, must be signed as per ISBP para. 37.

Best regards,
Duc N.H

JSMITH – United Kingdom
Posted 09 Nov 10 | Edit | Delete

A diversion from the original question posed, but for the purposes of sub-Art 14(f) while I agree a FCR is a document issued by a forwarder certifying that the goods have been received, I would not agree that it has to go on to into refer to the goods being in the custody of the forwarder nor that receipt of the goods is for shipment to a named consignee. Of course, if the credit expressly requires this, that is another matter.

Duc N.H – Viet Nam
Posted 09 Nov 10

Duc N.H

Posted 09 Nov 10

Many thanks All for your comments.


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  1. Dream

    June 16, 2016 at 11:31 pm

    Dear Mr Old man

    Please help to clarify our concern as following:

    In case letter of credit only requires: invoice, packing list, forwarder carrier’s receipt/or any transport docs not under article 19-25

    1. How can we define the shipment is late shipment or not. Whether we can check against information indicated in required docs and compares with L/C terms and condition. It means that if the date of shipment indicated in invoice/packing list/forwarder cargo receipt is later than latest date of shipment–> whether it is consider the discrepancy: late shipment
    2. Which ways we check forwarder carrier’s receipt.

    We know that ISP98 already indicates forwarder carrier’s receipt is only checked to the extent expressly stated in the credit, otherwise according to UCP 600-14(F). We can interpret the instructions as the ways: if the lc indicate port of discharge is Chittagong, Bangladesh—>forwarder carrier’s receipt shows place of discharges is Chittagong, Bangladesh, it is discrepancy, although forwarder carrier’s receipt indicates goods shipped at the port stated in ‘place of receipt’

    Thanks for your help!


    • mroldman

      June 18, 2016 at 9:28 am


      1. Documents like invoice, packing list, FCR… are not transport documents covered under UCP 600 articles 19-25, hence, the examination thereof is to be completed only to the extent expressly stated in the LC, otherwise in accordance with UCP 600 sub-article 14 (f).
      You cannot raise the discrepancy “late shipment” based on the information about the shipment date indicated on such documents.
      Not sure 100% but I think you can raise the discrepancy based on sub-article 14 (d), which says “Data in a document, when read in context with the credit, the document itself and international standard banking practice, need not be identical to, but must not conflict with, data in that document, any other stipulated document or the LC”. That is to say “the shipment date on invoice, packing list… conflicts with that stated in the LC.

      2. I think the described FCR is acceptable.

      Kind regards,
      Mr. Old Man


  2. do do

    June 20, 2016 at 10:33 pm

    Dear Mr Old Man,
    I really need your kind help in the following case. Thank you so much .
    L/C stipulates the shipment period:
    + 300 MTS from 15/01/2016 to 15/02/2016
    +300 MTS from 01/02/2016 to 01/03/2016.
    +partial shipment allowed.
    +tolerance: +/-15% for both quantity and amount

    In the first presentation, docs shows that : 295 MTS shipped on 10/02/2016.

    Dear Mr Old Man, i would like to ask :
    what is the complied second presentation:
    1. in the second shipment, docs show : 5 MTS shipped on 14/02/2016
    2. in the second shipment, docs show: 300 MTS shipped on 14/02/2016
    3. in the second shipment, docs show: 100 MTS shipped on 20/02/2016

    Because the first and second period have the same period 01/02/2016 to 15/02/2016, it is very complicated. Please kindly help us in this case.


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