Q&A WHERE BILL OF LADING INDICATES AN ADDITIONAL NOTIFY PARTY NOT REQUIRED BY LC By Mr Old Man Posted on January 17, 2016 2 min read 35 0 8,678 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Reddit Share on Pinterest Share on Linkedin Share on Tumblr QUESTION Dear Mr. Old Man, I have a case relating notify party in bill of lading. LC requires: Full (3/3) set of originals clean shipped on board … and notify the applicant with full name and address. LC applicant: MKH CO.,LTD …….. DIEN BIEN PHU STREET, HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM Bill of Lading presented shows two notify parties as follows: Notify party 1: ABB TRADES PTE’., LTD SINGAPORE ……. TAMPINES STREET 22, HEX … SINGAPORE. Notify party 2: MKH CO.,LTD …… DIEN BIEN PHU STREET, HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM Is the above described Bill of Lading acceptable? Looking forward to receiving your soon reply. KC —————- ANSWER Hi, Notify party is the party that is to be notified of the arrival of the goods covered in the bill of lading. Normally, the notify party stated in the bill of lading is the LC applicant but it may be any party or parties that may have a direct or indirect interest in the goods and need to know the arrival of the goods. According to ISBP 745 paragraph E14 (a) when LC stipulates the details of one or more notify parties, the bill of lading may also indicate the details of one or more additional notify parties. The bill of lading indicating MKH CO.,LTD as notify party is deemed to comply with the LC requirement. ABB TRADES PTE ., LTD SINGAPORE should be treated as an additional notify party. As there is no prohibition in the LC with regard to additional notify parties, the bill of lading in question is acceptable. Kind regards, Mr. Old Man