4 min read


Dear Mr. Old Man,

I have one question and need your answer please.

There are situations where Freight Forwarder Bill of Lading is required instead of Ocean Bill of Lading.

Will appreciate if you could mention these situations.

Awaiting your answer.

Thanks & Regards,




Regarding Freight Forwarder’s Bill of Lading, I would like to note the following:

Freight forwarder’s bill of lading, which is also known as House Bill of lading, is a transport document which is issued by the freight forwarder.

Freight forwarder’s bill of lading would be issued on a pre-printed form of the freight forwarder company’s bill of lading. It states the terms and conditions of the freight forwarder company, as a result consignee will not be having a legal protection in case the goods are damaged or lost in transit. This is the reason why issuing bank/applicant would not accept Freight Forwarder’s Bills of Lading.

If LC requires Freight Forwarder’s Bill of Lading, then Bill of Lading signed by Freight Forwarder is acceptable. Freight Forwarder’s Bill of Lading may be signed by Freight Forwarder without it being necessary to indicate the capacity in which it has been signed or the name of the carrier.

Regarding the clause “Freight Forwarder’s Bill of Lading is acceptable” or “Freight Forwarder’s Bills of Lading are not acceptable”, please refer to ISBP 745 E3 (b) and E4, which are quoted below for your easy reference:

E3 (b). When a credit indicates “Freight Forwarder’s Bill of Lading is acceptable” or “House Bill of Lading is acceptable” or words of similar effect, a bill of lading may be signed by the issuing entity without it being necessary to indicate the capacity in which it has been signed or the name of the carrier.

E4. A stipulation in a credit that “Freight Forwarder’s Bills of Lading are not acceptable” or “House Bills of Lading are not acceptable” or words of similar effect has no meaning in the context of the title, format, content or signing of a bill of lading unless the credit provides specific requirements detailing how the bill of lading is to be issued and signed. In the absence of these requirements, such a stipulation is to be disregarded, and the bill of lading presented is to be examined according to the requirements of UCP 600 article 20.

Kind regards,
Mr. Old Man

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  1. Naima

    October 21, 2020 at 12:14 pm


    Please what is a number of the Bill of Lading for a freight forwarding ?
    Some Freight Forwarding are having their B/L number with a number of the Carrier , is it Ok and acceptable for the LC examination ?

    Thank you


    • Mr Old Man

      October 24, 2020 at 3:01 pm


      BL Number – is a unique number allocated by the shipping line and is the main number used for the tracking of the status of the shipment. BL number is generated and issued by the entity that is issuing the BL – whether it is a shipping line or a freight forwarder.

      Banks don’t care if the BL number is generated from the carrier’s system or the forwarder’s system provided it does not conflict with that on other documents.


      Mr. Old Man


  2. Naima

    October 25, 2020 at 6:19 am


    Thank you for the explanation, please if the freight forwarder is mentioning a number for his house bill of lading but we cannot track the shipment with this number as he does not have a tracking in his system so is it OK for such Bill of Lading, is the bank checking the status of the shipment as I know bank is not paying only if customer is paying and payment of the LC is done only when shipment reached it means that tracking of shipment in LC is not happening actually.

    Thank you


    • Mr Old Man

      October 25, 2020 at 1:03 pm


      I would like to note you the following:

      1/ LC should never require presentation of House BL

      2/ Practice has shown that some carriers allows their forwarder to BL on the forwarder’s letterhead stationery but sign the BL in capacity of agent of the carrier. These BL may indicate the BL number generated from the carrier’s system.

      3/ Banks do not check if the BL number is from the forwarder’s system or from the carrier’s system. Even when the issuing bank knows that the BL number is from the forwarder’s system and the applicant cannot track the shipment based on such BL number, it will pay if the documents comply with the LC terms and conditions.

      If the applicant knows for sure that no shipment is made while documents are presented and that this could be a fraud, it can request the court to take a temporary urgent measure to prevent the issuing bank from effecting payment.

      Kind regards,
      Mr. Od man


  3. Naima

    October 26, 2020 at 7:24 am


    Thank you very much for your explanations , only for your point number 1 , Bank is checking the LC and if LC is saying: freight forwarders bill of lading is acceptable, then it is Ok if Bill of Lading is as per the UCP 600 and the Banking examination and for freight forwarder the bill of lading is never a master Bill of Lading but it is a House Bill of Lading.

    Thank you again.


    • Mr Old Man

      November 9, 2020 at 1:21 pm

      According to ISBP 745 E3b, when LC indicates “Freight Forwarder’s Bill of Lading is acceptable” or “House Bill of Lading is acceptable” or words of similar effect, a bill of lading may be signed by the issuing entity without it being necessary to indicate the capacity in which it has been signed or the name of the carrier. So, I agree with you,


  4. Naima

    November 9, 2020 at 10:36 am


    Please Reminder on my below point.

    Thank you


  5. Naima

    November 10, 2020 at 11:54 am


    Thank you


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