EARLY PRESENTATION QUESTION Dear Mr Old Man, I am Dang from Vietnam Prosperity bank. I know that you usually give valuable oppion for difficult cases from bank in Vietnam. Today, our bank faces with a difficult case and I would like to seek your valuable idea: L/C required: Latest date of shipment: 10 Aug 20… Period for presentation: After 21days from the … Read More
AI ĐI CỬA KHẺM THÌ ĐI! Cuối năm ngoái khi xảy ra vụ lùm xùm giữa Huế và Đà Nẵng liên quan đến Dự án World Shine Resort Complex của World Shine Hong Kong Limited Company, mình rất háo hức muốn khám phá mũi Cửa Khẻm và đã một mình đạp xe qua đèo Hải Vân rồi lần theo con đường mới mở phía bắc Hải … Read More
WHETHER A COUNTERSIGNATURE IS TREATED AS AN ENDORSEMENT QUESTION Dear Mr Old Man, Please help me to solve the following problem: L/C requires Insurance Certificate to be endorsed in blank. The Insurance Certificate presented shows: * This Insurance in event of assignment requires endorsement by the Insured/ Cover Holder (Party A) * Not Transferable unless countersigned by the Insured Party A countersigned, but it did not endorse. So is … Read More
WHERE C/O HAS NO SIGNATURE BUT A REFERENCE TO A WEBSITE FOR AUTHENTICATION QUESTION Dear Mr. Old Man, I would be grateful if you could give me advice in this case: The C/O presented under Import LC is not signed but refer to clause: “For certifying authority use only VERIFY URL:HTTP://WWW.CO-CCPIT.ORG” So this clause satisfy the requirement of signature or not? I look forward to hearing from you soon, Ha Thu Hang ———– … Read More
WHERE DOCUMENTS UNDER LC ARE PRESENTED FOR COLLECTION UNDER URC 522 QUESTION I need your help to comment on below: We have received (LC) documents under schedule indicating that this presentation is subject to URC 522. Documents to be released against payment. I would like to know the reason for sending documents for collection under URC 422 instead of sending them in accordance with advised LC. UCP is more suitable for … Read More
WHERE THE APPLICANT REFUSES TO TAKE UP THE DOCUMENTS Yellow sand beach, Hai Van Pass QUESTION Dear Mr. Old Man, We appreciate your answer to the following case: At the request of the applicant, we issued an L/C fully secured by the applicant’s deposit account with our bank. The documents required for presentation including 3/3 original bills of lading made out to the order of our bank notify the … Read More
VỀ ĐÀ NẴNG ĐẠP XE LEO NÚI ĐI BẠN ƠI! Đà Nẵng là thành phố biển nhưng không thiếu những cung đường dành cho những người yêu thích đạp xe đạp đường trường lẫn xe đạp leo núi. Với những người thích đạp xe leo núi để trải nghiệm và khám phá thì không thể bỏ qua những cung đường tuyệt đẹp của Đà Nẵng như Bán đảo Sơn Trà, … Read More