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From: Linh LTK. Hoang Dieu
Sent: Tue 7/20/2010 3:00 PM
To: Nguyen Huu Duc (DNG)
Subject: LC red clause

Dear Anh Đức,

Em đã đọc blog của anh về trao đổi về LC điều khoản đỏ.
Em cũng đang quan tâm đến vấn đề này. Không biết anh có form LC điều khoản đỏ nào không, nếu không phiền, anh có thể gửi cho em để em nghiên cứu thêm được không ạ

Em cảm ơn anh

From: Nguyen Huu Duc (DNG)
Sent: Wed 7/21/2010 7:53 AM
To: Linh LTK. Hoang Dieu
Subject: RE: LC red clause

Good morning!!!

Không có form riêng cho LC điều khoản đỏ. Form LC điều khoản đỏ cũng giống như form LC thông thường nhưng ở Field 47B hoặc ở Field 78 có thêm điều khoản ứng trước tiền hàng gọi là điều khoản đỏ. Dưới đây là một số điều khoản đỏ bạn có thể lựa chọn:

1) Red clause 1:
The negotiating bank is authorized to make advances to the beneficiary upto 70% of LC value against the beneficiary’s receipt stating that the advances are to be used to purchase and ship the merchandise for which this credit is opened and the beneficiary’s undertaking to deliver to the negotiating bank the documents stipulated in this credit within the validity. The advances plus interest accrued are to be deducted from the proceeds of their initial drawings.
We undertake to pay you principal plus accrued interest should the advances not be repaid by the beneficiary within the validity of this credit.

2) Red clause 2:
The negotiating bank is authorized to make advances to the beneficiary upto 70 % of LC value against his statement that the advances are required for the purpose of making payments for the wool before shipment. We undertake to repay you anticipatory advances granted by you within the LC limit.

3) Red clause 3:
The negotiating bank is authorized to make advances to the beneficiary upto 70 % of LC value against Warehouse Receipts or other documents evidencing the right to claim possession of the goods and the undertaking to deliver the relative Bills of Lading and other required documents in due course. Such Warehouse Receipt or other documents may be entrusted to the beneficiary in exchange for his acknowledgement that the documents are held by him as trustee for you and as your agent to obtain for you in exchange the relative Bill of Lading. The goods, whilst in the warehouse pending shipment are to be insured by……
We undertake to repay you anticipatory advances granted by you within the LC limit.

4) Red clause 4:
As the beneficiary will have to pay for the goods, processing and ancillary charges before shipment, negotiation may be made to the beneficiary against invoices evidencing firstly cost of goods and/or processing and ancillary charges and the beneficiary's undertaking to refund the advance in the event of failure to present complying documents under the credit in due course.
We accept responsibility for meeting such payments under the terms of the credit.

Bạn có thể dựa trên các điều khoản đỏ mẫu trên để “chế biến” điều khoản đỏ phù hợp với yêu cầu của ngân hàng và khách hàng của ngân hàng bạn.

Best regards,
Mr, Old Man

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