Articles Mr Old Man eUCP VERSION 2.0 ARTICLE e11 By Mr Old Man Posted on July 31, 2019 10 min read 0 0 2,721 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Reddit Share on Pinterest Share on Linkedin Share on Tumblr Chào các bạn, Hôm nay chúng ta tiếp tục eUCP với Điều e11 quy định về chứng từ vận tải. Điều e11 quy định rằng nếu chứng từ vận tải điện tử không ghi ngày giao hàng hoặc gửi hàng hoặc nhận để xếp hoặc ngày hàng hóa được chấp nhận để chở, thì ngày phát hành chứng từ điện tử được xem là ngày giao hàng hoặc gửi hàng hoặc nhận để xếp hoặc ngày hàng hóa được chấp nhận để chở. Tuy nhiên, nếu chứng từ điện tử có một ghi chú thể hiện ngày giao hàng hoặc gửi hàng hoặc nhận để xếp hoặc ngày hàng hóa được chấp nhận để chở, thì ngày ghi chú được xem là ngày giao hàng hoặc gửi hàng hoặc nhận để xếp hoặc ngày hàng hóa được chấp nhận chuyên chở. Một ghi chú như thế thể hiện nội dung dữ liệu bổ sung không cần phải ký riêng rẽ hoặc xác thực. Các bạn đọc nguyên văn Article e11 và phần COMMENTARY để hiểu thêm về nội dung này nhé. Thân ái! Mr. Old Man —– ARTICLE e11 TRANSPORT If an electronic record evidencing transport does not indicate a date of shipment or dispatch or taking in charge or a date the goods were accepted for carriage, the date of issuance of the electronic record will be deemed to be the date of shipment or dispatch or taking in charge or the date the goods were accepted for carriage. However, if the electronic record bears a notation that evidences the date of shipment or dispatch or taking in charge or the date the goods were accepted for carriage, the date of the notation will be deemed to be the date of shipment or dispatch or taking in charge or the date the goods were accepted for carriage. Such a notation showing additional data content need not be separately signed or otherwise authenticated. CHANGES FROM eUCP VERSION 1.1 • Addition of ‘taking in charge’ and ‘goods accepted for carriage’ • Minor structural changes COMMENTARY The date of shipment or dispatch or taking in charge or accepted for carriage is critical in the examination of documents under documentary credits, because it may be necessary to use such date to determine whether or not the presentation of the document is within 21 days or the number of days indicated in the credit, and because it may be necessary to determine whether shipment or dispatch has taken place by the latest date indicated in the credit. UCP 600 contains elaborate rules for determining the date of shipment or dispatch that are individualised according to the type of transport document involved. DATE OF SHIPMENT eUCP article e11 addresses how to determine the date of shipment or dispatch when it is contained in a transport document transmitted in the form of an electronic record. ‘Taking in charge’ and ‘goods accepted for carriage’ have been added for compatibility with UCP 600. It provides that the date of shipment is the date in the electronic transport record indicating shipment or dispatch or taking in charge or the goods were accepted for carriage. If there is no date indicating shipment or dispatch or taking in charge or goods accepted for carriage, the date of shipment or dispatch is the date of issuance of the electronic transport record unless there is a notation evidencing shipment or dispatch or taking in charge or goods accepted for carriage. NOTATION The practice of carriers with respect to electronic records is still evolving in line with technological advances, including the addition of a notation after issuance. In such an arrangement, there is a parallel to the paper practice of notations indicating shipment after the actual issuance of the electronic record. In such circumstances, eUCP article e11 provides that the date of the notation will be deemed to be the date of shipment or dispatch or taking in charge or goods accepted for carriage. It is envisioned, in most cases, that a notation used in an electronic record will either be an addition to the electronic record itself, or a separate electronic record attached to the electronic record indicating transport. In these cases, data contained in these notations indicating a different date of shipment from the original record would be the date used in examination of the electronic records. In many cases, however, given the state of technology for transport-related documents, the issuer of the document can simply update the record prior to its transmission to the bank, and there would be no need for an additional notation. eUCP article e11 also indicates that there is no need for a notation of shipment or dispatch or taking in charge or goods accepted for carriage to be signed or authenticated separately from the authentication of the transport record itself. The transmission and authentication of the transmission is sufficient indication of the authenticity. This rule follows the UCP 600 Transport Articles. Other provisions of UCP 600 relating to on board notations would continue to be applicable to an eUCP credit. Because the electronic notation may simply be an indication of additional data, this data may not appear in one place on the transport record as it would were a notation stamped on a paper document.