11 min read

What "negotiation" means?
INAPARK – Korea Posted 25 Mar 10 |

1. I really want to know the difference between "available by negotiation" and "available by payment" as there's no exact definition in detail.

2. Further, Official Opinion R666 / TA569 says as follows:
"A letter of credit is stated to be available with nominated bank by negotiation should not include any reference to claiming reim from a reim bank or , indeed, any reference to the debiting of the issuing bank's a/c held with the nominated bank…….issuing bank will reim in according with the instructions of the nego bank."
I wonder on which base such as rule or regulation or documents or book, "negotiation" represents as above mentioned!!!



N.H.Duc – Viet Nam Posted 25 Mar 10 |

1) Negotiation means the purchase by the nominated bank of drafts (drawn on a bank other than the nominated bank) and/or documents under a complying presentation, by advancing or agreeing to advance funds to the beneficiary on or before the banking day on which reimbursement is due to the nominated bank (Article 2).

LC available by negotiation allows the beneficiary to receive the payment by negotiating the sight drafts and documents at a nominated negotiating bank which is normally located in his country. The negotiation may be effected on a with or without recourse basis. However, under a confirmed LC, the confirming bank must negotiate the documents on without recourse basis.

Different from LC available by negotiation, LC available by (sight) payment does not require sight drafts to be presented and normally the payment is to be effected at the counter of the issuing bank or at its nominated paying bank upon receipt of the complying documents. The beneficiary under LC available by payment normally may not obtain the payment in advance by negotiating (selling at a discount) the documents at his bank.

2) ICC Official Opinion R666/TA569.



JSMITH – United Kingdom Posted 25 Mar 10 |

A credit can be available by payment at sight with the issuing bank alone or a nominated bank as well. Whereas a credit available by negotation can only be available with a nominated bank.

In essence:
1. a credit available by payment at sight with a nominated bank requires that the nominated bank can obtain simultaneous reimbursement from -or on behalf of- the issuing bank at the same time it pays the beneficiary. Thus there is no LENDING to the beneficiary. By making payment at sight the nominated bank does not 'purchase' the documents under the rules of UCP600.
2. a credit available by negotation instead requires that the nominated bank either LENDS the beneficiary the amount of its drawing or that it commits itself to lending the beneficiary the amount of its drawing in the future (by implication, when requested by the beneficiary). Hence, no reimbursement instruction should be included as otherwise there would not be a loan.

Incidentally, in my bank we receive alot of credits issued by -to us- Far Eatern banks (especially Korean) that are stated to be available by negotation but which should be stated to be available by sight payment as they include reimbursement instructions. (We rarely have this problem with other parts of the world.) We therefore call these 'Far Eastern negotation' credits and correctly issued credits available by negotation 'true negotation credits'.


THI THUY MYT- Viet Nam Posted 26 Mar 10 |

Dear Mr Duc,

Could you clarify clearly yr opinion which "The beneficiary under LC available by payment normally may not obtain the payment in advance by negotiating (selling at a discount) the documents at his bank."
I think if L/c available with nominated bank by payment, beneficiary may negotiate the documents at his bank.



JSMITH – United Kingdom Posted 26 Mar 10 |

Under UCP600 documents can only be negotiated, in the UCP600 sense of the term, if a credit is stated to be available by negotiation. Therefore, if a credit is available with a nominated bank by payment the beneficiary can only have the documents paid by the nominated bank and cannot have them negotiated in the UCP600 sense of the term.

My impression is that there is a still widespread, and very annoying (given the subject is so utterly simple and straightforward), misunderstanding that the term ‘negotiation’ covers any examination and settlement of documents by a nominated bank. It does not. It only covers the specific act defined in Article 2 of UCP600 where the credit is stated to be available by negotiation.


N.H.Duc – Viet Nam Posted 26 Mar 10 |

Hi A.K,

Jeremy has helped me answer your question. It’s clear enough.

I just want to point out a common practice with regard to the so called negotiation under a payment credit.

In some Asian countries, negotiation is normally effected on a with recourse basis. It looks like a short-term loan secured by the documents. Upon receipt of the payment from the issuing bank, the beneficiary’s bank will collect the advance/loan amount plus accrued interest which is calculated from the date the beneficiary received the advance/loan amount to the date the bank receives the payment from the issuing bank. In this particular respect, some banks seem to treat a payment credit the same as a negotiation credit, i.e. whether the credit is available by negotiation with any bank or by payment with the issuing bank, the beneficiary may be financed against the documents.

Perhaps it is because of this practice that you think the beneficiary may negotiate the documents under a credit available by payment.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the issuing bank under a credit available by payment does not authorize any bank to negotiate the documents, hence, the bank that has negotiated the documents under a credit available by payment will not enjoy the same legal protection as the bank that has negotiated the documents under a credit available by negotiation . For example, it can not take legal action against the issuing bank in its own name as a transferee of the proceeds or a holder in due course in the event for some reason, e.g., fraud, the issuing bank refuses to pay the documents.

N.H. Duc …

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  1. anonymous

    March 29, 2010 at 5:03 pm

    Mary writes:Dear Mr Duc,As I understand if L/c available with nominated bank by payment, beneficiary maynot negotiate the documents at nominated bank. If not, pls show me the difference between negotiate without recourse and payment by nominated bank..Tks muchBest regards,


  2. mroldmanvcb

    March 29, 2010 at 11:03 pm

    Hi Mary,Negotiation without recourse is understood as a definitive purchase by the nominated (confirming) bank of drafts and/or documents under a complying presentation. The beneficiary under a credit available by negotiation with the nominated confirming bank will be paid AN AMOUNT WHICH IS LESS THAN THE DRAFT AMOUNT. The difference between the amount paid and the draft amount represents the negotiation fee or transit interest charge. Under a credit available by payment with the nominated bank the beneficiary will be PAID IN FULL (no interest deducted) when a complying presentation is made to the counter of the nominated bank.Regards,Mr. Old Man


  3. anonymous

    March 30, 2010 at 8:03 am

    Mary writes:Dear Mr Old Man,TKS very much for yr answer..Best regards,


  4. anonymous

    April 5, 2010 at 4:04 pm

    Anonymous writes:Dear MR Old Man,Could you please tell me the difference between the applicant bank and issuing bank?Thanks a lotBest regards,Kim Ngan – Vietnam


  5. mroldmanvcb

    April 5, 2010 at 9:04 pm

    Hi,- Issuing bank means the bank that issues a credit at the request of an applicant or on its own behalf (UCP 600 Article 2).- Applicant bank is not defined in UCP 600. However, it can be understood as the bank that cannot by itself issue a credit at the request of its customer, and therefore, requests another bank to issue on its behalf.Regards,Mr. Old Man


  6. anonymous

    October 9, 2013 at 10:10 am

    Susan writes:Dear Mr Old man,I have a scenario here:issuing bank is in SingaporeAdvising bank/ Confirming bank in Italy.Field 31D Date and place of expiry : 131215-SINGAPORE.Field 41A: Available With (Confirming bank) By NEGOTIATIONConfirming bank requested to amend the following:field 31D: 131215-Trieste.Field 41A: Available With (Confirming bank) By PAYMENT- can you explain what is the reason why confirming bank is requesting for such amendment?- Would it put issuing bank for at any risks for such amendments ?


  7. mroldmanvcb

    October 10, 2013 at 10:10 pm

    Hi Susan,1) Place of expiry should be also the place of availabilityIt is practice that the place of expiry should be also the place of availability, i.e., the place where the documents are presented. Please also refer to SWIFT’s definition of Field 31D Date and Place of Expiry, which says this field specifies the latest date for presentation under the documentary credit and THE PLACE WHERE THE DOCUMENTS MAY BE PRESENTED.In your case, the credit is available with the confirming bank in Trieste (Italy), hence, the place of expiry should be Trieste or Italy.2) Why available by payment instead of available by negotiation?As far as I know, Italy levies stamp duty (financial transaction tax) on some financial instruments like bills of exchange, cheques, promissory notes… As you know, a credit available by negotiation would require presentation of drafts (bills of exchange for negotiation, whereas a credit available by payment requires no drafts to be presented for payment. I think the fact that the confirming bank requests to amend the type of the credit (available by payment instead of available by negotiation) is to avoid stamp duty levied on bills of exchange.The amendment is for the sake of the confirming bank. However, there’s no potential risk to the issuing bank with regard to such an amendment.Kind regards,Mr. Old ManP/s: And here is my Italian friend Antonio Picchi: Usually a credit confirmed by a bank must be available with such bank. Stamp duties are very high in Italy 0,09pct on the bill of Exchange value. Now negotiation of documents is permitted, so we do not use a draft anymore. I have an idea about negotiation and payment concerning may be macroeconomic,: negotiation-exporter gets the money but from its bank, so money is italian and goods are still in the hands of the Country, payment: exporter gets money from abroad , the goods are in the hands of the import Country. The difference is very very little,


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