6 min read


I have a nice Export LC case which I would like to share with you.

This LC issued in country S by Bank A and advised it to Bank B in country Y via swift.
Bank B advised the LC to us in country Y(we are advise through bank) in hard copy even though we have RMA (this is not the case).
LC available with Bank B and Drawee Bank Field shows the wording as 'confirming Bank'.

Confirmation instruction ' Confirm'

Our client was trying to get confirmation through bank B, but they have declined, until this moment the total advised amendments are 2 amendments(LC+2 amendments).

Now our client found a bank which will add confirmation to the LC, Its bank C, my client said to me that this bank will confirm the LC.

Now until this moment, the client has the Original LC and 2 amendments in his possession because we are as advise through bank and our job to advise anything to them.

Last Sunday we received amendment number 3 through bank B as usual, the amendment states that the LC is now to be available with bank C, this amendment is still under our custody, and I will give it to the customer next Monday, this amendment will remove Bank B from the story of the LC, which means any future amendments will be transmitted to us (the advise through Bank)through bank C(the new advising Bank/Receiver of MT700).

That day, I have called Bank C regarding the amendment number 3 and that it contains their name as available with Bank, they said yes coz we as Bank C will add confirmation as per the client request , but they(Bank C) ordered me to send all the originals to them (Hard copy of LC and amendments), this process means I have to collect the whole LC set from the beneficiary (original LC+2 amendments) and amendment number 3 in our custody in which all to be sent to Bank C under our Bank covering letter, is this correct ? Or do they need the originals because they will add confirmation.

What is the meaning of this, we are advise through Bank, why we send to them the whole set, I said to myself maybe they want to collect it from us and then send us again all incorporated in one LC through MT710, I don’t know what is the correct procedure, please tell me what is the correct process here.


Hi Warlord9609,

1) It is understood from your description that Bank B is the first advising bank and that your bank is acting as the second advising bank.
Based on UCP 600 sub-article 9 (d), which says that “A bank utilizing the services of an advising bank or second advising bank to advise a credit must use the same bank to advise any amendment thereto”, I think future amendments (if any) should be continued to be advised by Bank B to the beneficiary through your bank.

2) The fact that the LC is available with a certain bank does not always mean that the LC and amendments (if any) must be advised through that bank unless that bank is a NOMINATED confirming bank.

I see from your description that the issuing bank does not nominate Bank C as a confirming bank or instruct your bank to advise the LC and all amendments to the beneficiary through Bank C. So your bank is not obligated to collect the original LC and amendments from the beneficiary and then advise them through Bank C.

Mr. Old Man …

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  1. mroldmanvcb

    May 3, 2010 at 1:05 pm

    QUERYDear Mr Old Man, For now as I mentioned, Bank C (the new available with bank and confirming bank). Bank C wants to make sure that everything in the LC and related amendments are in order, they want to protect themselves, how they do that? they came in the story in the middle of transaction, can a new confirming bank add confirmation blindly? 1) If you were Bank C, and you will add confirmation to the LC, at the same time, the beneficiary had received already the LC and amendments, what would be your procedure here, arent you concerned with the whereabouts of the Original LC hard copy and amendment, dont you want to check them. 2) As Bank C, currently they could request the beneficiary to provide them the LC hard copy along with the amendments, could the beneficiary with bad intention remove any amendments(say amendment number 2), would you as Bank C request it from the advise through Bank. 3) If you see any confirmed LC, always the confirming bank requests that they become the receiving Bank(i.e. the advising Bank in MT700), and they request to be available with Bank and confirming Bank, so dont you thing that this is their right to request from the advise through Bank to collect all original instruments from the benficiary and advise all to them once again but only to bank c( this procedure is only for the advised already LC and amendments? 4) What would you do if you were Bank C. Yours and others comments are much appreciated.—————————–COMMENTHi,1) Why not? If Bank C is authorized to add confirmation, it is entitled to request the issuing bank to have the LC and all amendments thereto re-advised through its bank.In case of silent confirmation (confirmation not authorized by the issuing bank) and the LC and all amendments thereto not advised through Bank C, Bank C is entitled to request the beneficiary to present the original LC and all amendments thereto. If necessary, this can be checked with the advising bank by requesting the beneficiary to ask the advising bank to confirm to the confirming bank the quantity of amendments having been advised through its bank.2) Not presenting one of the amendments on purpose can be regarded as an act of fraud. If fraud is established, the fraudulent beneficiary must reimburse the confirming bank under its local law (as fraud is an issue not regulated by UCP). Prevention is better than cure. Check with the advising bank before adding confirmation.I think my answer to question no. 1 can help answer your question No. 3 and No. 4.Regards,Mr. Old Man


  2. anonymous

    August 4, 2010 at 4:08 pm

    Linh writes:Dear Mr Duc..Our customer was required to provide a standby LC before signing the contract. Applicant kept the standby LC and would give the standby LC to the beneficiary if the contract was successful. In this case, Should the issuer deliver the original Standby LC to the applicant and not sent to beneficiary? Pls help me!!!!Tks very much..Best regards,


  3. mroldmanvcb

    August 4, 2010 at 5:08 pm

    Better not.


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