Uncategorized ALL QUESTIONS SHOULD BE GIVEN IN ENGLISH By Mr Old Man Posted on June 23, 2010 2 min read 1 0 2,140 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Reddit Share on Pinterest Share on Linkedin Share on Tumblr INSTEAD OF GIVING A NOTIFICATION, MR. OLD MAN IS POSTING THIS ENTRY AND LOOKING FORWARD TO RECEIVING YOUR QUESTIONS IN ENGLISH————————————————————————————————— Dear Warlord, Thanks for your encouraging words. These days I have stayed up late to watch World Cup. Therefore, my blog has not been updated frequently. I'll manage to post new entries after the World Cup. At your request and for the benefit of all those who eat, sleep and breathe L/C irrespective of where they come from, I would give a public notification that all queries to be sent to Mr. Old man should be in English. Best regards, Mr. Old Man —————————Originally posted by warlord9609: Dear Brother, How are you doing, and well done for this great web site which gives LCers some relief when stuck in any doubt. However, Please do me a favor, I see many queries are written in a foreign language that we dont understand, and not fair for everyone to not be able to read some questions. Kindly before answering any queries, either translate it to us, or make a rule in the website that we request all in English as its Universal Language, Kindest regards, Your Brother, Warlord …