WHERE LC REQUIRES PRESENTATION OF FCR INSTEAD OF BL QUESTION Dear Mr Old Man, May I ask some questions about the risks of “requiring documents relating to the transportation of goods in L/C operation” as follows: 1. When opening L/C, why do banks usually discourage applicant from requiring the documents such as FCR, Mate’s Receipt, Delivery Note… instead of Bill of Lading? What are the risks here? I have … Read More
FCR QUERY From: Ngo Hien []Sent: Mon 5/31/2010 9:29 AMTo: Nguyen Huu Duc (DNG)Subject: forwarder's cargo receipt Xin chao Mr Em muon hoi anh ve forwarder's cargo receipt (FCR), chung tu nay ko phai la chung tu so huu, va cung ko duoc covered trong UCP. Nhung khach hang cua em luon muon rang buoc NHPH vao chung tu nay bang … Read More