Uncategorized A PRE – PRINTED SHIPPED ON BOARD B/L BEARING A SEPARATE DATED ON BOARD NOTATION By Mr Old Man Posted on March 6, 2010 2 min read 0 0 2,541 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Reddit Share on Pinterest Share on Linkedin Share on Tumblr NESAR'S QUERY Dear all, Here I furnish below one of my confusion :Pre-printed "shipped bill of lading" will normally be issued after the shipement occured and for this reason as per UCP date of issuance will be the date of shipment. If the same document bears an on board notation in addition to that of date of issuance, I think this bill of lading has got two on board notation. a clear contradiction with the present transport industry practice.How can I reconcile the above issue? Awating for reply. Thanks nesar——————————————-MR. OLD MAN'S COMMENT Dear Nesar, Please read ISBP para. 96 quoted hereunder again:“If a pre-printed "Shipped on board" bill of lading is presented, its issuance date will be deemed to be the date of shipment unless it bears a separate dated on board notation, in which event the date of the on board notation will be deemed to be the date of shipment whether or not the on board date is before or after the issuance date of the bill of lading.” From the above wording it is understood that a pre-printed “Shipped on board” bill of lading may or may not bear a separate dated on board notation. In the event it bears a separate dated on board notation, the date of the on board notation will be deemed to be the date of shipment whether or not the on board date is before or after the issuance date of the bill of lading. Best regards,Nguyen Huu Duc …